Return of products

Request for a return

Можете да върнете продукт в рамките на 14 дни, считано от момента на получаване на поръчката .

Request for a return

If you do not want to fill out this form, please print the form below and attach it

Отдел Рекламации

If you want to clarify something or get information about more complex case, please contact us :

Call us
0893 39 69 85
Select 4 from the main menu to be transferred to "Claims"
Write us
Describe your case and we will respond as soon as possible

How does the product return process work

step 1

1.Fill in your form online and send it to us. You will receive a confirmation email and reference number to track your claim .

step 2

2.Изпратете продукта с куриерска компания Еконт Експрес ООД или Спиди АД на адрес: ул. Индустриална 48, гр. Габрово.

step 3

3.You will receive your refund within 14 days on your bank account.

Basic information

Questions and Answers

Important information about complaints